This courtesy notice contains important information about the Annual Meeting of the Village Shires Community Association and about the process required for anyone who might want to seek election to a seat on the Village Shires Executive Board.

This year, we have four (4) terms that are expiring. The four board members whose terms are due to expire have expressed their written intent to seek re-election (Article VI -Section 4 (a) of VSCA By-laws). 


The Annual Meeting of the Village Shires Community Association (Article IV Section 4 of the VSCA By-Laws) will be held at Clubhouse 1 - 3001 E. Village Road, Holland PA 18966 at 7:00 pm on Monday October 21st, 2024.

If you are an owner in good standing and would like to run for election to the Village Shires Community Association Executive Board, then please come to the Management office and pick up a Nomination Application.  Signatures of 50 Members of the Community, along with their applicable address within the Village Shires Community, are required in order to get your name put onto the election ballot.  Only one Member (owner) per address may count towards the 50 signatures.       The Nomination Application must then be returned to our office by 4:00pm on October 4, 2024.